
We currently have "a bit of a mess" wrt how we manage external data sources and imports. Currently each source should have:

- a wiki page with the details
- in the case of an import a dedicated user account
- an entry in the import catalogue
- if attribution is necessary outside of changeset tags an entry on
  or if a "major" source, an entry on

Everybody who was involved with the nitty gritty details of the licence change has probably realized that the above documentation is woefully incomplete and that the lists are becoming unmanageably large. And from an attribution pov the decision on which page the source lands is rather arbitrary.

I've done some thinking about replacing some of the above with a database based solution that would make some aspects easier (by for example generating attribution lists automatically) and will probably whip up a prototype when I get back home from vacation if nobody beats me to it.

For now I would suggest simply completing the existing lists.


Am 12.09.2012 11:34, schrieb Maurizio Napolitano:
There is also a need for other changes.
In Italy we have many contributions from some PAs
- ISTAT National Institute of Statistics (Italy)
- Satellite Images from Portale Cartografico Nazionale
- Regione Emilia-Romagna
- Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
- Regione Piemonte
- Regione Veneto
- Provincia Autonoma di Trento
- Comune di Merano
- Comune di Pavia
- Comune di Schio
... and other that i must discover :)

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Richard Fairhurst
<> wrote:
Hello all,

If you go to:

you might notice a slight difference. :)

OSM data downloaded after 9am today is now licensed under the Open Database
Licence. The first ODbL-licensed planet.osm file is currently being

These pages summarise the main changes:

The main supporting documents on the wiki have been updated but translations
and some of the more obscure documents will need attention.

Our recommended attribution is now "© OpenStreetMap contributors" plus a
link to . That page then gives further
details of the ODbL and other relevant information.


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