Philip Barnes wrote:
  I would prefer to keep the source tag with the object. Within a changeset I
will often have some roads where source is GPS, have traced some buildings from
bing, and added a few pub/shop names where source is survey

I did put my hand up for a tag which is automatically applied for those of us who forget it ;) If I have a background layer up it automatically adds that tag to each object. If I'm selecting stuff from another source then that gets added. ALL of this could well be in one change set, and in fact I may switch between bing and OS layers simply to add other details, so a 'changeset' tag would not be suitable? But AUTOMATICALLY adding that data per object would mean that it does get added :)

Of cause I still object to a lot of this stuff being 'free format' ... a 'layer_id' on these tags would be fine, and then the rest of the details are pulled up from that!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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