Dear All,

I recently discussed an idea for a new OSMF working Group on the OSMF
talk list[1].  The reaction seemed favourable, so now I'm looking for
key volunteers to "staff" the working group and for broader support
from the community to encourage the official approval of this working
group proposal.

In short, I'd like to know why some mappers contribute once and only
once, then never return?  And I'd like to know how to have more of
those "one-and-done" mappers turn into long-term productive mappers.
In the long term, I'd like to know more about what makes some mappers
"better mappers" and encourage those things.

I've also attempted to follow those draft guidelines to propose the
"Welcome Working Group".  Please feel free to add yourself to the
"supporters" section, as any proposal should have a substantial
community behind it.

Thank you for your support.

If you are uncomfortable with this proposal or any aspect of it,
please use the related talk-page to discuss your misgivings and offer

One correspondent observed that there is no formal process for
proposing / accepting / rejecting a new Working Group.  Since Andy was
kind enough to draft a process, I've added that draft proposal
proposal draft to the wiki.  Please improve it.

Best regards,


talk mailing list

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