Am 19/nov/2012 um 00:16 schrieb Jo <>:

> When, some distant day in the future, public_transport=platform is taken into 
> account and rendered, I'll start converting them when I touch them to change 
> other tags, which is what I thought I could start doing now, since it's been 
> 1,5 years since the proposal passed the vote.

Reading the comments on platform for bus stops in this thread it didn't look as 
if "converting" will ever be the way to go (if this implies deleting 
highway=bus_stop tags). The fact that a proposal was approved does not imply 
that all of the contained aspects will ever be implemented in the map. Please 
also note that the style sheet on the osm main map is not the only data 
consumer, and even if they started to integrate public_transport=platform for 
busses there might still be lots of other people needing highway=bus_stop tags 
for their maps.

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