
I have a new etrex20 also.

On 18 November 2012 03:02, Banick, Robert <robert.ban...@redcross.org> wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> It certainly sounds like your USB Controller is dead, but here's a thought:
> Garmins can be finicky about the cables they're used with. Are you using the
> USB cable that came with the Etrex 20? If not then it might not recognize
> the device when plugged in.

The supplied cable is a small one, about 1ft long, if that helps.
Otherwise, I would also recommend accessing the SD card directly.
I experienced some issues with the SD card, in that the fitting /
cradle for it was a bit loose and often became open when I changed the
batteries, which lead to the SD card not working - however, this
shouldnt affect the USB.



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