On 12/12/2012 11:04 AM, THEVENON Julien wrote:
*De :* Hendrik Siedelmann <hendrik.siedelm...@googlemail.com>

all possibilities to render maps as ebooks (or for print) that I found
were relatively limited (only raster images and/or limited number of pages).
So I tried something new:
What do you think?

Hi Hendrik,

This is a good idea, but I`m not able to see any index or glossary in
your example pdf.
The medium example is composed of about 2500 pages, how can I know on
which page to go to find the location I need ?
The pdf basically represents a zoomable map without index. In the corners of every page are the page numbers of the next zoom level for the respective quadrant. At the endpoints of the cross that is visible at every page, there are the page numbers for north/south/... A Hyperlink would be nice, but I haven't yet found a method to embed them in the pdf with the tools I use.

On map book there are also often some marks on page sides/corners to
indicate the page number we have to go if we want to have
left/right/up/down part of the map. Could you add such information ( if
it could be in form of hyperlink it would be nice )?
Some pages are also completely grey. could you eliminate them from the
book ?
I will.


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