On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 11:36 AM, Tiziano D'Angelo
<tiziano.dang...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ciao Meinhard,
> I am a Bewelcome member since almost the beginning (user: tiziano). I really
> like that you joined the OSM-philosophy, as it is based on the same
> principles of BeWelcome. I have a suggestion to make: you may use the
> MapQuest tiles, that are generated from ODbL (the new license) OSM data. It
> seems to me that the CloudMade tiles are not updated, as they are generated
> from the old CC-BY-SA license data. I think also that MapQuest tiles look
> much better.
> Thanks for your switch2osm!
> Ciao
> Tiziano

Cloudmade is definitely consuming post license change diffs so they
are rendering from ODbL data as well. The attribution just hasn't
changed. In fact I guess that's up to BeWelcome when they create the
map in javascript.

The one minor annoyance with the tiles being used by BeWelcome is that
they don't draw state borders. Here in the US this means that you can
get lost for 2-3 zoom levels if you are zooming in on the middle of
the country.

But regardless of rendering style, it's great to see other
"open-minded" projects using OSM. Welcome to the party and thanks for


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