Hi Roland,

Mapnik and all the other tools you mentioned have all been developed
without a strategic vision and without formal permission from

Because they are single-purpose libraries that don't really need any
strategic vision other than "do we use XML/CSS/C/C++ for this" decisions.

Putting it all together and creating something like OSM.org and the OSM
core platform is a completely different thing. What you get with a
market-like approach in this case is a dozen of small websites to do the
same thing which is of course cool because you can pick and choose but
does that help the core project?

In an organization, you need some kind of majority (might be your
boss only or in a more democratic case, a majority by numbers) to
steamroll down the minority's will

I don't think we're talking about things like that... it is not black or
white (corporate-like organization or no organization at all). There is
something in between that best suits the OSM spirit.

I'm more and more convinced that it is *not* OSMF as I simply don't
understand what is the role of OSMF as such. I can tell what specific
working groups are doing but the overall organization is undefined and
I'm not sure I really care to find out or discuss what it should be -
this looks like a giant waste of time.


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