On 09/01/2013 01:37, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
I may be a grumpy old dinosaur but I don't see how diluting the Openstreetmap brand into the bland broth of proprietary centralized social services that plague the Internet nowadays will bring any value... But that's just my worthless opinion [..] But first, can we agree that user behaviour data is the raw material ?
Data-driven research : 100% of subsequent posts in this thread have indulged in bikeshedding about whether to place a Facetweet button on the home page, while my remark was merely introductory to the main point of feeding our discussion not with opinions but with facts mined from visitor activity.

Anyway... Can anyone from the CWG give us a peek into the analytical tooling currently built into Openstreetmap's Web presence, what we can expect from it, what the future holds and what contributions are most welcome ?

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