I've quickly looked at a few global figures from our Piwik stats on
OSM-FR over 2012.

We got 350k visits (in) and 43% of them went to osm.org (out), I
presume mostly thru the "Show me the map" button and may also mean
that half of them are not looking for a map for the OSM project
itself. Further analysis on this could be interesting.

Visitors come from:
- search engines (40%, mostly Google using a mix of "open street map"
keywords including some with typos)
- direct access (30%)
- links from other sites (30%)

These other sites links are mostly not related to OSM and large part
of them are articles related to 2012 buzz like:
- Google "vandalism" on OSM,
- Tomtom criticism against OSM data quality,
- Apple Plans app for iOS6,
- Google map maker availability in France.

The other part is from blog posts, forum posts.

The two most downloaded files on www.openstreetmap.fr are:
- a cheat sheet for Potlatch (618x)
- a JOSM tutorial (168x)

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France - http://openstreetmap.fr/u/cquest

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