On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Rob Nickerson
<rob.j.nicker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "GPS Tracks" vs "GPS Traces" doesn't bother me either way, as long as we are
> consistent. Once I'm done writing up the "Recording ..." wiki page I'll see
> if I can organise a move.
> Any more feedback to my questions (especially about using smartphones in
> built GPS) would be very welcome.

As with anything in the phone business... it depends. My original
Samsung Galaxy was positively terrible and I did not use it much for
collecting traces. Walk under a small tree in the middle of a field?
Say goodbye to your lock. On the other hand, my Galaxy S 3 is
excellent. Maybe still not quite as good as a dedicated GPS device
(probably mostly due to antenna size) but definitely good. It probably
helps that newer GPS chipsets can read GLONASS as well as GPS
satellites so they typically have over 15 satellites visible to them.


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