I forgot to mention, one can fix the zoom level of the map tiles being viewed 
(independently of the view zoom level)

Right click on the Map Layer -> Properties.
Then select the 'Zoom Level' for the tiles in the bottom drop down menu.

Normally one would use 'Use Viking Zoom Level', which means the tile zoom level 
matches the viewing zoom level. This is normal web map view.

However one can set the value to a specific Viking Zoom level:
Where Viking Zoom level 1 = OSM Zoom Level 17  and  Viking Zoom level 128 is 
OSM Zoom level 10.

Thus one would first set-up to view the selected area using the default 'Use 
Viking Zoom Level'.

Then set the Viking Zoom level value to a lower value to get all tiles covering 
the viewed area (providing auto download is on) at that fixed tile zoom value.

NB The Viking Zoom Level is a notional 'Metres per Pixel' pixel factor value, 
but that's probably only valid at the equator.

I hope that makes sense!

> Thanks robert. I am an active VIKING user. But the usability of this  
> big map download seems to be limited. If I zoom out a zoom level 9 but  
> want to download level 14 jpg of a pre selected area, I am unable to do  
> so easily. 
> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Robert Norris  
> <rw_nor...@hotmail.com<mailto:rw_nor...@hotmail.com>> wrote: 
> ________________________________ 
>  > Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] How to create very large jpeg from OSM file 
>  > 
>  > If any of the available tile set styles are suitable, simply download 
>  > the tiles, at the desired zoom level, for your area of interest, stitch 
>  > together with a tool such as gdalmerge, outputting to a jpg, and print. 
> This is also possible with the GUI program Viking  
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/viking). 
> Once you have downloaded map tiles for the area, use the File->Generate  
> Image File option. 
> ATM This is restricted to 5000x5000, although in the next version the  
> limits are substantially increased**. 
> HTH. 
> ** Disclaimer - this is because I (re)wrote it. 
> Be Seeing You - Rob. 
> If at first you don't succeed, 
> then skydiving isn't for you. 
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