Hi Dave,

You might be able to build this off the existing GPS upload
functionality. It looks like you can add any kind of tag you want.


In general, it would probably be better to have the GPS traces in the
main OSM database, so we can use them for mapping.

You might be able to put something together with a custom OSM GPS
trace uploading app/web site to add the extra tags and something that
shows an OSM map with GPS traces for rendering. Just an idea....

Of coarse there is nothing wrong with setting up your own copy of the
OSM server software too.


On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 9:15 PM, Dave Sutter <sut...@intransix.com> wrote:
> There has been discussion from time to time about separate layers of
> data for OSM. One proposal is to use an alternate instance of the OSM
> database to serve as the database for an alternate layer of data.
> While I was riding my biking this morning I thought of a good use for
> such a database layer, a layer holding GPS tracks from recreation
> events such as biking and hiking. There have been and are numerous
> services that do this. The first I know of was MotionBased. I worked
> at such a company myself back in the early days of cell phone GPS on
> Nextel phones.
> Storing such data in OpenStreetMap would be good because it could
> attract a lot of developer attention for clients and services because
> it is open. The data could also be fed back in to help refine the
> trail network of OSM.
> I put up a wiki page here with some dicussion:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenSportMap
> At the bottom it talks about generalizing this idea to all kinds of
> data. One example is allowing users to create their own maps on top of
> OSM, like MyMaps from Google. There are many other uses too. I think
> it is a good idea because it can extend OpenStreetMap from being just
> a base map to being an entire online GIS platform where users can
> create any layer they want.
> Dave
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