Am 24.03.2013, 15:40 Uhr, schrieb Tobias Knerr <>:

The wiki actually offers machine readable templates on the Key:* and
Tag:* pages with boolean flags such as onWay and onArea, which are
currently parsed by Taginfo and offered though the Taginfo API. Without
doubt there are errors in these wiki templates, but I believe that they
are the most comprehensive source of documented area tags.

The wiki (and thus also taginfo) has information about where a tag can be used on, but not whether the tag defines an area or not. See the following examples:

* natural=cliff has onWay=true and onArea=true and defines a way as an area, if the way forms a closed loop. * name=* also has onWay=true and onArea=true, but does not define any way as an area. * highway=* has onArea=false, but if combined with area=yes (or any other area-defining tag) the way is still an area.

We would need a flag like "definesArea" (in addition to "onArea") in order to write an area-detection algorithm based on the wiki alone.

Martin / tyr_asd

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