On Apr 20, 2013 8:53 PM, "Clifford Snow" <cliff...@snowandsnow.us> wrote:

> One part of my original message I still  need help with. Why aren't we
adding these boundaries to OSM? If it is just that no one as added any or
is there an issue I'm not aware of? Personally I'd like to start adding in
these boundaries, at least in the US and then only for geographical areas
I'm familiar with.

It's a little bit of a chicken/egg thing right now.  As far as I'm aware,
rendering of tribal nations went offline in mapnik around the time I
pointed out the overly broad tagging and that having most of Oklahoma and
big chunks of New Mexico hatched in white on green "IR" (had the former
tagging scheme been used on all 200+ such territories in North America)
would have been awkward and was misleading due to the nearly identical "NR"
hatch of nature reserves circa summer 2010 when I moved my geographic focus
to indian country.
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