> Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 08:40:13 -0400
> From: Alex Barth <a...@mapbox.com>
> To: Talk <talk@openstreetmap.org>
> Subject: [OSM-talk] RFC updated: OSM Attribution Mark (was:
>       contributor mark)
> Message-ID:
>       <cabxuzdsnybv7e8qehyahmpao4ojyzsimzhv+bsgg1b9eh-r...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello everyone -
> I'd love to start pushing again on the OSM attribution mark.

Just keep walking, persistence paid off. That's what we learned at SotM Japan. 

> This is an updated proposal based on an initial RFC from earlier this year
> titled "Contributor Mark" [1, 2]. Sorry for the delay in following up with
> adjustments based on feedback on the original thread.
> Again, the goal of this proposal is to draw more attention to OpenStreetMap
> wherever it's used by introducing a visually compelling, linked symbol for
> placement on OSM-based works and by explaining OpenStreetMap better at the
> place where this symbol links to.
> Looking forward to your feedback. I'll also be reaching out to
> corresponding working groups and OSMF to see how we can move this forward.
> Concretely, this RFC proposes
> 1. Replace current credit "? OpenStreetMap Contributors" with a visual mark
> where possible
> 2. Update `openstreetmap.org/copyright` to explain better OSM, to invite
> visitors to join and to allow creators of derivative work to link back to
> their sites.
> The update to the original RFC brings 4 key changes:
> 1. Rename the proposal from 'Contributor Mark' to 'Attribution Mark'
> 2. A completely redesigned mark, containing the letters "OSM"

Nice one. The new mark makes symbolizes a map and the OSM very clearly. I like.

> 3. A completely redesigned `/copyright` page, the page the mark links to.

I like the image idea because it shows people having fun while mapping. Instead 
of the mostly boring legal part.

> It is much closer to today's `/copyright`

For all non-web citizens: It could be hard to guess, that there is more text 
below the fold. It might be clever to put the text a bit more to the center to 
show at at least the beginning lines of the text. Or a bouncing icons shouting: 

> 4. The mark is an alternative to "? OpenStreetMap Contributors". Only where
> the mark can't be used, "? OpenStreetMap Contributors" may be used.

To spread the whole thing quickly and convieniently it might be a good idea to 
provide OL.js, Leaflet.js and mapbox.hs plugins.

> Please read up on all details on the newly created RFC page:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RFC_Attribution_Mark
> Also take a look at the repository containing artwork and code:
> https://github.com/osmlab/attribution-mark

Thx for your work, we at wheelmap are definitively on it.

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