Hi guys,

I am most likely the one who started the whole "issue" of adding relation
IDs to Wikipedia at all - I created the Wikipedia templates and inserted
several tenths of relation IDs to specific articles... and you know why?
Because at the time I did that there was no WIWOSM (or any other usable
tool for featuring OSM content within Wikimedia projects) and this was the
easiest (although I understand not the best) way to connect/link Wikipedia
to OSM. I understand tag query for a specific keywors(s) (probably deriving
from Wikipedia article name) would be much better, there simply WAS NOT a
simple enough tool to do this or at least I did not know about such a tool.

The original idea was to link a page that would show a desired object in a
map. So the action definitely was simply a result of lack of services on
OSM side. If this has changed now, I suggest we use such a tool that
produces similar output (in terms of data and speed) as the current
relations links.


2013/5/5 Andreas Labres <l...@lab.at>

> Tim,
> There are different problems, let's keep them separate (vielleicht reden
> wir
> auch - Englisch - aneinander vorbei... ;)
> a) There is a problem in the code of osm.org how it links wikipedia
> articles.
> You can't do a link like this:
>     $PATH#anchor?uselang=en
>    This is bad URL syntax. You (osm.org) have to do
>    $PATH?uselang=en#anchor
>    https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/4802
> b) It is "not a good idea" to link objects in Wikipedia lists like
>     Liste der denkmalgeschützten Objekte in Wien/Penzing#objektid-25026
>    This object should have its own "name" in Wikipedia, which then
> redirects to
> whereever this object can be found. This shouldn't be "external" but a
> feature
> in Wikipedia/Wikidata/Wikiwhatsoever.
> c) The objectID I'm referencing is nothing "external", it's a nationally
> unique
> ID given by the Austrian Bundesdenkmalamt which identifies each "monument"
> in
> Austria. Therefore it's the best idea to use /this/ as /the/ reference to
> the
> given object (with reference to it being a historic monument). Alex
> Wagner, who
> created all the "Denkmalgeschützte Objekte" in Austria in the Wikipedia
> used it
> when he created the Wikipedia pages.
>    http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-at/2013-April/005542.html ff
> OSM could save this objectID, say:
>    ref:monument=AT:25026
> and WIWOSM then knows how to find this (uniquely identified) object in
> Wikipedia.
> /al
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