
I think, there is still a need to protect e.g. comments and account
registrations against spam and it seems that CAPTCHAs are still the
best technology to do this.

AFAIK OSM Wiki uses the original reCAPTCHA (which helps Google to
translate books or decode house numbers!). OSM help, the forum and the
User's Diaries (including help) currently require a regular account.

I found e.g. his discussion [1] which seems to be never implemented.
If somebody knows more pls. reply.

Now, I got an idea of (yet) another re-CAPTCHA which is somehow more
user friendly and builds on keepright data.

1. Do you also think there still is a need for CAPTCHAs?
2. If yes, do you know of any volunteering OSM related
webapplications, which would be willing to replace (re-)CAPTCHAs with
a service which helps OSM?

Yours, Stefan

[1] http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=16021

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