
I just saw that the Global Islands Database by the United Nations 
Environment Programme and Partners:


is using OSM coastline data.  They also say so in the 'about' info box:

"The Global Islands Database is originally based on Open Street Map 
(using a 1:75,000 Landsat product from the US National Geospatial - 
Intelligence Agency) and has been substantially refined through the 
work of a number of organisations (e.g. UNEP-WCMC, Island Conservation, 
BirdLife International, RSPB, IUCN/SSC ISSG, PIER, Global Island 
Network). The Global Islands Database is an intermediate product that 
is continuously being refined by the user community."

but this is certainly no sufficient as attribution no matter if ODBL or 
CC and their data license:


is obviously incompatible.  Comparisons at a few locations indeed show 
OSM data is widely used there (including non-PGS data) while there are 
also areas with significantly better data than OSM as well as various 
larger errors (i.e. fake islands).  And of course some of the more 
recent changes in OSM are not in there.

I am unsure what should be done about this.  There are probably no bad 
intentions there and if the mentioned organisations have indeed 
contributed better data it might be nice to have this available to OSM 
as well.


Christoph Hormann

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