Thank you for your comments,

2013/7/26 Peter Wendorff <>:
> 1) you count objects in Y from mappers coming from X and use absolute
> numbers for the color indication. You should IMHO take the number of
> mappers into account, too. e.g. Germany with a big number of mappers
> produces a rather "dark" map, whereas e.g. the countries in middle
> america all produce a very light map.

I agree completely. The current map is a "first shot".
There could be several ponderations :
* according to the number of mappers in the selected country
* according to the total number of nodes in the target countries
* probably others too

I will think about that and try to come back with another visualization.

> 2) could you change the website code in a way that the map fits into the
> screen? it get's ugly when the map is bigger than your screen, and
> that's the case here even at my usual notebook (not to mention phones
> etc.). Sizes relative to the viewport might help.

It should be fixed now.



> regards
> Peter
>   Am 25.07.2013 11:47, schrieb Frédéric Bonifas:
>> Hi,
>> For a long time I have wanted to know where people from a given
>> country also contribute in OpenStreetMap.
>> I have analyzed all the nodes in the OSM Planet from the 15th June
>> 2013 and I came up with this map :
>> One identified bias is that each contributor is assigned the country
>> where he has contributed the most as his main country. But this may be
>> false.
>> Best
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