
Rainy days last week over Khartoum. New HOT Tasking Manager jobs have been
made from a check between the Formosat 2 August 8 &9 analysis made by
and NextView panchromatic imagery from August 11 (the situation in the hit
areas did not improve fron taht time due to the heavy rains). This imagery
is available through the TM jobs, once agreed the License Aknowledgement .
Offset exist but have been informed in the offset DB pluging for JOSM:

   - Task Manager Job 303 <http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/303>
   - Task Manager Job 304 <http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/304>

Areas to be mapped are popular, remote neighborhoods. Please map all the
streets and buildings in the task area in order to show the pre-crisis
situation, on which damage analysis will be done.

All the information is accessible from here:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2013_Sudan_floods and the TM jobs

Thanks for those who have already participated and those who will join!


  [image: logo]
  *Severin Menard**
Haiti tel: (+509) 43 32 85 81
France tel: (+33) 9 70 46 75 95
France tel: (+33) 6 95 39 42 95
Skype ID: severin.menard

 Free signature tool.

2013/8/19 nicolas chavent <nicolas.chav...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> Below is an email related to the World Humanitairian Day of this 19-Aug
> 2013 by Severin which has been posted on HOT and French speaking talk lists.
> Have a quick read and join this mapping effort focused in Khartum.
> Excellent day,
> Nicolas
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mapping flooded Khartum on the World Humanitarian Day 19-Aug 2013.
> Hi,
> 19-Aug 2013 is the world humanitarian day [1]
> Within this initiative, we are proposing to join a remote mapping campaign
> targetting the most flooded areas of Khartoum (Sudan).
> Details on this crisis are available through Relief Web: flood report [2],
> sudan weekly report [3].
> More info about the HOT response on the English [4] and French [5] wiki
> page for this disaster.
> 3 Jobs have been set on the HOT Tasking manager:
> - Task no 289 [5]: a few tasks are left with mapping of streets and
> buildings
> - Task no 292 [6]: neighborhoods located South East from the town where
> streets only have to be mapped in this first task.
> - Task no 293 [7]: neighborhoods located West from the River where
> streets/ roads only have to be mapped given the size of the area
> Thanks in advance for all of those who will be part of this mapping
> Best,
> Severin
> [1] = <http://worldhumanitarianday.org/fr>
> [2] = http://reliefweb.int/map/sudan/sudan-flash-floods-06-aug-2013
> [3] =
> http://reliefweb.int/report/sudan/sudan-humanitarian-bulletin-issue-32-5-11-august-2013
> [4] = http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2013_Sudan_floods
> [5] = http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/289
> [6] = http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/292
> [7] = http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/293

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Severin MENARD <severin.men...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 6:05 PM
Subject: Floods in Khartoum, Sudan
To: "h...@openstreetmap.org" <h...@openstreetmap.org>


The floods are still hitting Khartoum. Thanks for those who participated to
the http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/289 that is almost finished now.

The wikipage PierZen created has been updated and there are now 2 other

As a first step, we start by mapping only the roads and streets and after
the buildings.



On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 7:42 PM, Severin MENARD <severin.men...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Khartoum, the Capital city of Sudan, has been experiencing again extremely
> heavy rains since Early August, that have turned into floods, houses
> falling, areas drowning, victims and the forecast says this will continue
> the coming days. You can follow the current situation on
> khartoumflood.crowdmap.com. The Humanitarian Response is led on the field
> by UNDP.
> I just created a TM job for the most affected area:
> http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/289. Others will follow. I will also create a
> wikipage.
> Please map all the streets and building on the area in order to get the
> pre-crisis situation, on which damage analysis will be done.
> The data can then be download on the HOT Export service:
> http://export.hotosm.org/en/jobs/4233
> Sincerely,
> Severin
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