Not really the right choice of words, but following on from yesterdays post related to 'timezone' I've been using the tools available and viewing the current coverge of that tag, which is fairly complete - except - in some areas the smaller parcels making up an area rather than the area itself is tagged with the information. Now in theory it should nat matter as I should be able to throw away relations totally contained within another and be left with the top set, but should that 'processing' be applied in general to this type of 'relation'. ISO3166 country codes are perhaps another example. Add a note to the relevant guideline that if tagged item is totally contained within another of the same 'value' then it will be removed.

This links to how one gets a list of tags related to all of the relations a query co-ordinate is located in so we can return that 'inventory'

Not very well put, but I should be in the car aon the way up to Birmingham ;)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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