We are fully aware of all these points and are aiming to do so.
Feel free to organise sotm 14 :-)

On 24 Sep 2013 07:26, "Jochen Topf" <joc...@remote.org> wrote:

On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 11:02:05AM +0100, Rob Nickerson wrote:
> We were hoping to get markers/chapt...
Unfortunately that isn't enough. On one of my computers, there is an
lag between audio and video, another system doesn't show the videos at all.
If you can't get this done, could you please at least put the raw videos
for download somewhere so that other people have a chance at splitting it
up, making it available for download in pieces or upload it to functioning
web services?

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-721-388298
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