On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Roland Olbricht <roland.olbri...@gmx.de>wrote:
> Please do not use a cancel-restart strategy. This may double the load
> because
> not in all cases the Apache server cancels the abandoned query.

Sadly, it's all that I can get to work.

I suggest the following strategy: Please prefer the Rambler instance. It is
> for this use case probably the fastest. Then, feel free to use a much
> larger
> timeout... On the other hand,
> please omit the element-limit...

I've tried all that, and get the same result.  The usual case is a hung
wget with no timeout evident.
If the server is timing out, the http connection never gets the message.
 The rambler instance
has returned results in the smallest number of cases tested.

Here's an example query (and note the simple version without the <union>
does the same thing).

<!-- element-limit="1073741824" -->
<osm-script timeout="9990">
<query type="node">
  <has-kv k="amenity" v="drinking_water"/>
<query type="node">
  <has-kv k="amenity" v="toilets"/>
  <has-kv k="drinking_water" v="yes"/>
<query type="node">
  <has-kv k="amenity" v="fountain"/>
  <has-kv k="potable" v="yes"/>
<query type="node">
  <has-kv k="man_made" v="water_well"/>
  <has-kv k="potable" v="yes"/>
<print mode="meta"/>

A small bounding box version of this query works fine on all servers.
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