On 06/11/2013 15:12, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
But why is 3600000000 the magic number ?

I find in my notes that I had also tried using that magic numbered identifier. For example, http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1qn :


The area selection does not work, whereas http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1qo :

    node [name="Dakar"]

Works. So it may not just a problem with the identifier... Intersecting with an area works for nodes, ways and relations but may not work well for areas. Should I stick with just nodes, ways and relations for now ?

Here is the sort of thing I'm actually doing: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1qp

        node [name="Fatick"](area:3600192775);<;
        way [name="Fatick"](area:3600192775);<;
        rel [name="Fatick"](area:3600192775);<;
        area [name="Fatick"](area:3600192775);<;

It works well, as far as I can tell - even for areas... But then there may not be other areas named 'Fatick' elsewhere in the world. More tests needed maybe ?

Anyway how overpass-turbo serves such queries so quickly is a complete mystery to me... What a wonderful service !

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