On  25.01.2014 00:08, osm....@0sg.net wrote:

> First of all, my sincere thanks go to everyone who sent a reply to my
> question. :)
> Am 24.01.2014 07:22, schrieb Ilya Zverev - zve...@textual.ru:
> > Hi! Sadly there is no English version of that wiki page, but you
> > can read about that and other forest belts using google
> > translation: http://tinyurl.com/windforest .
> Ilya, your link was crucial for me in understanding what those forest
> belts are all about. Thanks!

I'd like to thank for that link too. Some years ago I read in one of
Bernhard Grzimek's¹ books (from ~1965) about big wood belts planned in
the Soviet Union. He believed that this was a good idea (I too) and
that the descendants of the planters would be thankful to their
But doing research at that time I could not find nothing about these
Now I have to dig through the books to add another source to that
Russian Wikipedia page.


¹ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernhard_Grzimek

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