
I'm looking for a dedicated software, like Mapertive for instance, which
can directly connect to an OSM-api like (not xAPI, not overpass, just the
0.6 original one) and render data statically (png, pdf...) according to a
MapCSS stylesheet in a given bounding box... like JOSM actually do when
downloading data.

I don't know if such an integrated and fully user-friendly solution
actually exists. The need comes from one of my customer's projects and
users just want to interact with a GUI (seems legit).

Maperitive may not satisfy them completely because of its CLI and the need
to separately download data before rendering them with a style sheet.
TileMill would be another strong candidate but it can't directly connect to
the original OSM API.
Maybe there are other apps I haven't tryed or even knew before.

They are working on a custom DB and only the API is conform to the OSM
It would be great to don't have to setup a custom overpass or another API
than the original one for the sack of maintenance simplicity.
The OSM API is there as for allowing them to transparently use some
client-side OSM software but there isn't a geospatial DB behind the scene
at all, thus they just can't use any of the server-side OSM toolchain

Don't hesitate to let me know how do you feel regarding these
interoperability questions.

*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
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