Hi Alex,

Good question and I have since figured out how to access notes I have
touched/resolved to demonstrate my point.  My treatment of notes is
probably the problem.  :)

I see this note [1] as being a legitimate use case for them in that there
used to be a roundabout there and not the intersection has been
reconfigured (ie.  OSM is "in error")
I see this note [2] as being an illegitimate use case for them.  (ie. OSM
is NOT "in error" rather OSM is "missing" this data).  You can see how I
have tried to encourage the user to engage with OSM.
Note [3] is similar to Note [2] but my treatment has been to resolve with
the comment I have made (At the detriment of a future OSM editor?).  This
is one of my earlier note exercises.

[1]: http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/6598
[2]: http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/118639
[3]: http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/99910

I think the notes are great and I've used them in areas where I have passed
through and noted obvious errors for local mappers.  With the 4sq channel
though I'm wondering if my logic and subsequent action to resolve is too
literal and I should leave Notes of Type [2] / [3] in place.  Is this the
intent of Notes moving forward?



On 28 March 2014 13:05, Alex Barth <a...@mapbox.com> wrote:

> Hey Jason -
> I'm not sure I follow as Foursquare's page says:
> "If you just want something small fixed but don't have the time to sign up
> and edit, it's easy to add a note."
> Which seems to be in line with how you're using notes (reporting errors).
> What am I missing?
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