
THEVENON Julien wrote:
> To be completely sure to understand you point of view, I will try
> to rephrase it, please correct me if I`m wrong: 
> You consider that we should completely stop to use any open data
> sources available in the world because in the future the
> community will perhaps decide a relicencing that could be
> incompatible with licences of today legal sources ? 

I think it is kind of a misinterpretation. The point is, that the
data should not only comply with our current licence but that the
importer can assure that other free and open licences (see CT) are
acceptable, too.

> By this way the amount of data loss will be an argument pro or
> against a new licence in the same way some data were loss during
> the migration from CC-by_S to ODBL due to impossible relicencing

It should not be an argument regarding a license change! It has
to be an argument wether to import data or not! Once you imported
data, there will not be a need for mappers to map *that* data
again. So you'll be responsible for data that has a dubious legal

I really hope the DWG will stop any such imports immediately as
it's a clear time bomb.



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