Archer wrote:
> I understood your further post in this manner: you want to take the
>Wikipedia link and add with a script or bot the associated Wikidata-ID.
>This would add the Wikidata ID Q3038 to both OSM objects place=island and
>boundary=administrative of Heligoland because both objects in OSM could
>link to the same Wikipedia article.

Hi Archer,

I don't think that is what Andy is proposing. My understanding is that the
script would look for objects in wikidata that have a location
(lat/longitude) and some wikidata tags that help us to identify the object
(e.g. that it's a church and it's name is "St Nicolas's"). The script would
then look for a similar object in OSM assessed according to the
lat/longitude in OSM and other OSM tags (name=St Nicolas's, and
amenity=place_of_worship). It would then flag the match for a human to
check, or if accepted, automatically add the wikidata tag if the level of
certainty matches some threshold.

This way we are adding wikidata to objects that may not have any wikipedia
tag in OSM. The wikidata may include links to an appropriate wikipedia page
(in multiple languages).

The questions we are trying to answer are:

   - Is this worth the effort?
   - What are the risks of introducing bad data and how can we
   reduce/eliminate this?
   - Do we have anyone in the OSM or WikiData/Wikimedia Commons community
   that would be willing to help write the script?

My answers are:

   - Yes, we benefit from the linked data and all the great resources on
   Wikimedia Commons. We stand to gain a lot from being open to the ideas of
   the Wikidata/Wikimedia Commons community.
   - I'm open to hear what people have to say.
   - In OSM, possibly, but there's more work than devs. We may have more
   luck looking on the Wikimedia Commons community.


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