On Saturday 5th of July 2014 between 09:00 and 19:00 (GMT / UTC) we
are moving our servers hosted by University College London to another
data center.

The following services WILL be affected:

* Search (nominatim.openstreetmap.org) will be unavailable. [1]
* Slower map updates / Reduced tile rendering capacity. (Yevaud outage)
* OSM Foundation websites and blog.openstreetmap.org will be unavailable.
* Taginfo (taginfo.openstreetmap.org) will be unavailable.
* Development Server (errol) will be unavailable.
* Some imagery services will be unavailable. (GPX Render, OS
Streetview, OOC, AGRI, CD:NGI aerial)

Other OpenStreetMap provided services should not be affected - all of
the following are expected to function normally:

* www.openstreetmap.org web site WILL allow edits as per normal (iD or
* API will allow map editing (using iD, JOSM, Merkaartor etc.)
* Forum
* trac (bug-tracker)
* help.openstreetmap.org
* tile serving ("View The Map" & "Export")
* Wiki
* mailing lists
* subversion and git (source code repositories)
* donate.openstreetmap.org

Technical: We are moving all the servers listed here
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Servers#UCL_-_In_Use to a new UCL
data center. The current building is being closed soon for
refurbishment. The new data center has better server racks, power
feeds, cooling and faster networking.

[1] Searches through the website will still work - we will redirect
them to another nominatim instance temporarily.

Grant Slater
On behalf of the OpenStreetMap sysadmin team.

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