On 13/07/2014, Christoph Hormann <chris_horm...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Of course, i was just trying to point out that the standard OSM map does
> not really give a good example here for others to imitate.  Since the
> style is open you can of course see where external data is used but
> this only works as long as it is open.

Maybe we should point out when we use non-OSM data on osm.org, even if
that data's license doesn't require attribution. Is there consensus on
this ? For example, the default "mapnik" style uses data from
NaturalEarth, to display placenames and boudaries at low zoom I think.
Note that displaying attribution is the job of the website hosting a
style, not the job of the style itself.

That said, I don't feel too pushed to ask other OSM-and-misc data
users to disclose exactly what mix of data they are using (not that we
have the legal basis to require it anyway). I imagine we could tweak
our license to require disclosing which subset of OSM data is being
used, or even what other datasets it is being mixed with, but that's
IMHO going too far (and some community members are arguing that the
current license is already too cumbersome). Ok to encourage, not ok to

Lastly, changing the topic, it seems like a bit of a failure that our
default rendering apparently has to use non-osm data as well. If osm
is missing placename population figures, or if the worldwide admin
boundaries are too complicated to use, then we need to fix the
download options and/or the data itself.

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