
IMHO you should be talking to MapBox directly. If your local neighbour
accidentally starts messing around in your garden you take it up with
your neighbour. If a gardening company starts work in your area and
mistakenly starts work in your garden, and the employee doesn't react to
you telling him to stop, whom to you talk to then?


Am 13.10.2014 12:48, schrieb Dave F.:
> Hi
> Once again I've had user Richrico use this website: 
> http://osmlab.github.io/to-fix/?error=unconnected_major5 to inaccurately
> amend data in OSM.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/65398595#map=19/51.32464/-2.22817
> Way: 65398595 This way is /not/ joined.
> For clarification: http://goo.gl/maps/FHp4z
> I've tried to contact him previously, but he failed to respond. I've
> just sent him a second message.
> This, & other similar types of software is being misused to insert
> errors into the OSM database.
> Without local knowledge there is no way users can be sure of the
> accuracy of there edits. They should stick to what they know. I believe
> this type of validation software should be discouraged, if not banned
> completely.
> I'm getting bored of my OSM time being taken up chasing after users who
> are semi-deliberately adding errors.
> Oh, & on Maproulette I'm getting a virus warning:
> hxxp://
> Regards
> Dave F.
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