
I will make & reinforce my point of view vehemently, especially when misuse of Google is implied, & definitely when repeated amendments are to the detriment of the database.

Dave F.

On 14/10/2014 17:22, Ian Dees wrote:
On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Dave F. <dave...@madasafish.com <mailto:dave...@madasafish.com>> wrote:

    On 13/10/2014 17:18, Aaron Lidman wrote:

        Looking at the imagery I can see how it might be thought they
        connect, especially when none of us are using google maps for
        verification, right?

    Wrong. I was using Streetview to confirm to the forum what I
    already knew - that the roads don't join. I don't need Google as I
    went there & did a proper visual survey, whereas your employee
    just "thought" they "might" join. This armchair guesswork is bad
    for the OSM database: If you're unsure if an edit will improve the
    quality of the map - please don't make it.

    I use the validation software you mention, but only to correct
    data that I have first hand knowledge of & never to amend
    something in another time zone where I've never been. Even when I
    do use them, I stop to think whether it is an accurate error
    report & not blindly fix it assuming it must be true.

A reminder to watch our language on the list. Like Frederik said, assume good intentions and don't use hyperbole or "loud words" to force your point.

Your friendly list moderator

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