Am 23.10.2014 00:42, schrieb Rob Nickerson:
>  However I am only willing to do this if I can see that my effort has
> a chance of actually going somewhere. This means that if we were to
> identify some requirements such as a need for funding to build
> something, or getting a change to the main website,
Rob, this is obviously not well known, so I'll just restate it again.

in every budget process I've been involved in the OSMF up to now, the
board has literally begged (via the MT) for budgets from the working
groups and projects to be supported. That has with the exception of the
OWG (capex for hardware) and the LWG (trademark registrations) not
resulted in any echo at all (the LWG doesn't even really count).

No guarantees that everything will be approved by the MT and board,, but
if you don't ask you are going to get exactly 0. Not quite true btw :-)
we have in the past tried allocating at least small budgets regardless
of what the WGs have asked for, didn't work, the funds were never used.

> or (shock-horror) sending a single email to all registered members
> asking them if they'd like to join a email subscription, I would at
> least be heard by the board. Right now I'm not sure I would.
> (In regards to that last one I know I wouldn't be supported because
> I've raised it before and got nowhere. And getting a sotm banner on
> <> can be an uphill battle too!)
Very touchy issue, there are just a lot of legal and cultural issues
involved. I wouldn't take reservations about doing it with mail as a no
to the idea of more communications to users, just experience turning on
blinking red lights.

My personal preference would be to implement the "News" sidebar/drop
down as originally intended in the redesign of the website. 2nd choice
some kind of opt in on sign up system for information mails, won't work
well retroactively and you will find whole countries not ticking such a
box. I'm sure there are more ideas that might work better.


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