Thanks Jói,

I was never seriously expecting there to be any conflicts over geographic
"territory" and I'm confident that you are best placed to know of any other
groups in your area. My question was more out of curiosity - I'm glad I
asked because I've discovered new groups I was unaware of :-)

All the best,

 *Jóhannes Birgir Jensson*
*Thu Oct 23 08:47:05 UTC 2014*

On behalf of the Icelandic applicants we are fairly sure that we are the
only ones representing our area and we will strive hard to include
others who will be or are interested in the area.

We have a small blurb in English about us on our webpage, the OSM
affiliation would be presented under OpenStreetMap á Íslandi (in
Iceland) where applicable.

Jói, current chairman
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