---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com>
Date: Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 4:07 PM
Subject: Reinvigorating working groups. Join in!
To: "osmf-t...@openstreetmap.org" <osmf-t...@openstreetmap.org>

There have been recent discussions about reinvigorating various
OpenStreetMap Foundation Working Groups.

Recent board minutes indicated the membership management would be
moved from a board position membership secretary to a working group

Michael Collinson spoke [2] of his interest in seeing new people and
more people participating in Working Groups, based on his experiences
and earlier work by Matt Amos.

I wrote recently[3] about who might join a working group, why, and
what they might be able to offer a working group.  Shortly after I
published that, Jono Bacon tweeted an image that struck me as helpful,
inspirational and super appropriate for OpenStreetMap.  So, I wrote
about that as well.  [4]

In addition to the new membership WG, there will be announcements for
others.  Michael Collinson spoke of the need for more participation in
LWG and if I remember correctly MT[5].  There will be at least one
more, shortly, but it isn't mine to announce. :-)

Best regards and happy mapping,



You do not have to be an expert, or know all of the answers, to be
valuable to a working group. You can join armed only with enthusiasm,
though organizational skills and communication skills are a benefit.

[2] earlier on this osmf-talk@ list
[3] http://weait.com/working-groups-1
[4] http://weait.com/on-ramp
[5] corrections and clarifications welcome, of course.
[6] who previously participated in several working groups at various times.

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