Call for Participation in the Research

"Robocar World Championship" is a new initiative to create a community of 
people who share an interest in investigating the relationship between smart 
cities and robot cars. At the heart of this initiative is the Robocar City 
Emulator. It will enable researchers to test and validate their theories and 

I am pleased to be able to inform you that we have already built a working 
prototype called "Justine". It has very limited features but we think it can be 
used to start building a community:

- Each competition is assigned to a city. Competitions are played on a 
rectangular area of the OSM (OpenStreetMap) map of the given city.

- Routine cars, smart cars and guided cars may be placed onto the OSM map, 
where cop multiagents pursue gangster agents for ten minutes. Cops are guided 
cars and these are controlled by the competing teams.  

If you are interested in joining our initiative please read the wiki page for 
details and updates.

Thank you for your attention. I hope to be hearing from your team soon.

Yours sincerely,
Norbert Bátfai
Norbert Bátfai, PhD, assistant professor
Department of Information Technology
Hungary, University of Debrecen

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