On 06/01/2015 8:16 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
On 03/01/15 22:05, François Lacombe wrote:

This is possibly a case for a separate API for the management of tag
metadata? Nothing stopping private tagging, but controlling better the
core tagging infrastructure and allowing MANAGEMENT of the evolution of

While we're at it, it would be nice to have a database that allows going from the tagged item (e.g., "fitness centre") to recommended tag. Maybe I'm missing something that already exists, but at the moment my understanding is that the Map Features page at


is my primary resource. This provides the reverse mapping from tag to feature, and I have to search the whole page to get what I need in the other direction.

If the mapping I need doesn't exist, I'll be glad to add a Wiki page containing it. It would obviously have to cross-reference advice on the Features page.

Tom Taylor

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