On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 6:39 PM, JB <jb...@mailoo.org> wrote:

> I have nothing against bicycle repair stations. Really. But, just in
> France, how many databases do we have that are as worth as this one ? Post
> offices, monuments, schools… Do we want to create some hundreds, thousands
> of notes for these?
> PS: these data are proposed to the integration through osmose, the qa tool.
> http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/fr/map/
> JB.
You know what, thats fine too, whatever works. If thats works for the
French folks, then away you go.

One thing to consider though, osmose is not in use worldwide, and even in
places where it is used its still outside the scope of regular mappers i.e.
you are not going to find it from the osm.org homepage whereas you will
with a note
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