I am in the honourable position of having been asked to co-chair the WG,
thus you see my email in the original CC.
IETF don't know anything about my bona fides, which I hope are vaguely
adequate for the case.
I look forward to seeing it happen and would be happy to help channel
any OSM community input into the WG in a more formal way.

  Jo Walsh

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015, at 06:20 PM, Tom Taylor wrote:
> Thought this proposed new Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 
> activity might be of interest.
> Tom Taylor
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Re: [dispatch] Forming and chartering a GeoJSON WG
> Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2015 09:59:04 -0800
> From: Erik Wilde <d...@berkeley.edu>
> To: dispa...@ietf.org
> CC: Pete Resnick <presn...@qti.qualcomm.com>, metaz...@fastmail.net, 
> Sean Gillies <sean.gill...@gmail.com>, Barry Leiba
> <barryle...@computer.org>
> hello.
> On 2015-02-03 16:40 , Richard Barnes wrote:
> > Sorry for the delay here.  It looks like the next step here is to send a
> > charter proposal to the DISPATCH mailing list, dispa...@ietf.org
> we have had conversations about establishing an IETF WG for GeoJSON,
> which would be chartered with taking the current GeoJSON definition, and
> turning it into an IETF RFC. the next step in this process seems to be
> proposing a charter. please find the proposed charter in this email to
> dispa...@ietf.org, and it also is available online here:
> https://github.com/geojson/draft-geojson/blob/master/charter.md
> ==============================================================
> Proposed GeoJSON WG Charter
> GeoJSON is a geospatial data interchange format based on JavaScript
> Object Notation (JSON). It was published at http://geojson.org in 2008.
> It has succeeded in streamlining geographic information system standards
> and making them accessible to practitioners of modern web development.
> GeoJSON today plays an important role in many spatial databases, web
> APIs, and open data platforms.
> This WG will work on a GeoJSON Format RFC that specifies the format more
> precisely and serves as a better guide for implementers. The work will
> start from an Internet-Draft written by the original authors. This I-D,
> draft-butler-geojson-04, substantially improves the format
> specification. The remaining tasks of the WG are:
> * Further clarification of the GeoJSON format specification.
> * Addition of implementation advice based on lessons learned since 2008.
> * geoAddition of more explicit extension advice to the specification.
> The addition of new features to the GeoJSON format is not within the
> scope of this WG. One possible exception to this (depending on WG
> consensus) is the adoption of JSON Text Sequences as an alternative way
> of serializing sets of GeoJSON objects.
> ==============================================================
> thanks a lot and kind regards,
> dret.
> -- 
> erik wilde | mailto:d...@berkeley.edu  -  tel:+1-510-2061079 |
>             | UC Berkeley  -  School of Information (ISchool) |
>             | http://dret.net/netdret http://twitter.com/dret |
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