Greetings everyone!

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team [HOT] is hosting a 3 day "HOT Summit 2015" event in Washington D.C. April 30th to May 2nd 2015. It will be a chance for volunteer mappers, educators, community builders, humanitarians, geographers, programmers and other folks interested in humanitarian mapping from around the world come together to share knowledge, fellowship and generate new ideas.

The full program of speakers and break out sessions is yet to be finalized and announced, but just as important as the program itself is who is going to attend as participants.

HOT's donors and supporters are offering a number of full and partial scholarships to help make attendance accessible to as many people as possible. These scholarships will cover or help defray costs for travel, lodging and attendance fees and are open to anyone who would like to come but is not able to due to the costs associated with attending the event.

We would like to especially encourage people from outside the United States to attend, we want you at the HOT Summit! We are an international organization and the diversity of our community is one of our strengths. We can not be as effective as we would like without our international community members attending events like this. We need you! If costs are the only thing stopping you from attending we want to encourage you to apply for scholarship funding for part or all of your costs.

Scholarship applications can be submitted here:

If you have any interest in attending from outside the United States please get in touch with us right away. We understand the idea and mechanics of traveling can be somewhat challenging, but we are here to help and you are not on your own to figure out how to get here for the Summit. Whether you would like to apply for scholarship support or not, please contact us and let us know you would like to attend.

For international visitors the first step is to learn about the entry process for the US.

If you are from any of the 38 countries listed here:

You will not need to apply for a visa, but instead follow the ESTA process. Visitors from any other countries can find out more about the visa process here:
(You probably want a "B" Visa for "visitors")

Any questions? Just ask. Please.

We are really looking forward to seeing you at the HOT Summit!

Volunteer mapper & HOT Summit 2015 Helper

PS: Please forward this email to any other OSM email lists or groups you think is appropriate, especially local groups. It would be great if you could add some words of introduction or comment in the local language or translate any part of this email.

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