On 3/18/2015 2:43 PM, Clifford Snow wrote:
Since you are involved with updating the rendering, can you tell us the process to decide what should be rendered? I realize that part of it must be stylistic, but what outside influences cause you to include a tag as part of the standard rendered OSM tile?
I should preface this by stating that these are my opinions, and I know other OpenStreetMap Carto maintainers look at it differently. They are also not the opinion of my employer, MapQuest, and the MapQuest Open style has different cartographic goals.

There are no policies on what is rendered, and types of features are decided on a case by case basis.

Normally the process of deciding to render a feature and deciding to render a particular tag are separate. You might decide you want to render bus stops, but also find that in the region you're rendering there is a GTFS feed with better data. In OpenStreetMap Carto, these two steps are more entwined. We're aiming at mappers and want to avoid additional sources of non-OSM data.

A first consideration is technical. Some of the crazy relation types out there are not designed in a way that they can be reasonably rendered with a standard toolchain. If I can't figure out how to write the SQL to be able to get a data layer suitable for rendering, it almost certainly won't be rendered.

I'm only interested in rendering established tags. The primary indicator of this is usage. There are some exceptions to this like national capitals, where there are only many of them. My view is that a tag should be able to obtain reasonable usage numbers on its own merits without being rendered. I also look beyond taginfo numbers to see if they are being skewed by a small number of contributors, mechanical edits, or a bulk import.

We don't want to encourage difficult to consume tagging approach. This is why we will not use disused=yes. (#111)

The wiki is a source I use, but just one among many.

A good read is Andy's comment about changing tags: https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/230#issuecomment-29238913. It is related.

And of course, all of this is done in a limited amount of available time. If I decide to work on something with the style it means I'm not working on a different part of it. It's zero sum for me, and I always have more I can work on. Rendering new types of features is about bottom of the priority list for me right now.

Would you render a tag without a wiki entry, or with just a proposal?
In principle, if it were an established tag? Yes. It's very unlikely an established tag would not have a wiki page.
How does the fact that it may be useful to specific groups, ie, cyclists which has its own style impact your decisions?
I don't particularly consider the presence of specialist styles. There are styles for most topical interests these days.

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