On 2015-04-09 14:00, Phil Endecott wrote:
Maarten Deen wrote:
I came across this example [1] where a way has bicycle=no and
IMHO these two tags are also conflicting and the bicycle=no should be
removed. Any thoughts?

"Cycle lanes" that you cannot, either practically or legally, cycle
along are horribly common.  Examples:


How would you tag those?

I have no idea if your example falls into that category, is mis-tagged,
or what.

2 of those are not cycle lanes - the 1st and 3rd are paths separate from the road. But they are also part of an NCN cycle route. So they could be tagged as highway=path (or highway=footway), with bicycle=no, plus maybe something like bicycle:pushing=yes. Plus adding them to the route relation.

I'm not sure what is happening with the second photo, is their a cycle lane marked on the road or not?

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