18. maj 2015 10.30 pop. je oseba "Andrew Guertin" <andrew.guer...@uvm.edu>
> Whether the new limits are sufficiently high for OSM I haven't
investigated enough to answer.

Browser limits, network speeds and screen resolutions all increased in the
recent years, but tile size stayed at 256*256.

To put this in perspective, currently trending 1920*1080 needs 40-54 tiles
for a full screen map, whereas 1024*768 (most popular in 2009) only needed
Source: http:// <http://www.screenresolution.org/>www.screenresolution.org/
<http://www.screenresolution.org/> + quick calculation.

Average tile complexity also increased somewhat, increasing their average
size in kB.

Using a,b,c hostname aliases only increases initial DNS resolution time.

This hack IMO still serves as a relatively cheap performance boost... until
HTTP 2 is widely used.

best regards,
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