On 15/06/2015 2:29 AM, John Eldredge wrote:
The claim that the maps are only for the benefit of Westerners implies that non-Western people never travel to or trade with areas beyond their immediate neighborhoods.

There was a humours suggestion to map animal paths, rejected as not something wanted in OSM. To some native farmers those paths may be very significant. The rejection reflects a 'western culture'.

The Australian Treasure was recently criticised for saying poor people don't drive cars ....
Poor people in some countries don't have cars. More 'western culture'.


Do these 'non western' people want/need/know of OSM? Probably not, their culture has existed without OSM for some time, introducing OSM in any form will change their culture, so do 'we' leave them encased in a cage to 'keep out western culture'?

I think that is not our choice. It should be their choice.

Now ... back to mapping.

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