Hi Richard,

Am 2015-06-11 um 19:27 schrieb Richard Welty:
> i have started using the unofficial tag README whenever i
> make edits that differ from current bing imagery; i usually
> place the date of the note in ISO format at the beginning
> of the text. for example, here is the note i placed on the
> road in Rensselaer:
> 2013-01-15 - reconfiguration of road not yet fully reflected in aerial
> imagery. do not conform this road to current imagery.
> this has mostly worked, but in this specific case the armchair
> mapper chose not to read the note, or read it and dismissed it.
> so i have two things in mind here:
> 1) formalize the README tag as a way to caution future mappers

That's already done using note=*. Just have a look to an town with lots
of construction sites and an active mapping community.

> 2) request editor support, when someone goes to change a
> README tagged entity, it would be nice if editors would popup
> a dialog saying something along the lines of

Yes, I agree, but please use note=*. It is already much in use and often
used for this purpose.

Example from Karlsruhe
https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/150939178/history [1]
> note = "Baustelle inzwischen beendet - Schienen liegen wieder wie vor
> 2012 - Bing 2013 veraltet"

Translated into English:
> constructions have been finished – tracks have been relocated to the
> position where they have been before the constructions (like until
> 2012) – Bing 2013 is outdated

> Warning: read the following before making any changes to this
> object <README text follows>

Do you really believe that iD will ever behave like this? iD developers
seem to refuse to show warnings to the user.

Best regards


[1] Btw, this relocation was done during State of the Map EU 2014 –
that's why fewer trams serviced this tram stop at that weekend.

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