On 23/07/2015 19:13, Lester Caine wrote:

The random use of FARM for large areas is totally inappropriate, and
personally I'd remove the bulk of those areas ... or cover the rest of
the UK. Using 'farm' for the central farm area makes much more sense and
is what is the normal standard south of 'Birmingham Farm' area ;)

It's actually "farmland" rather than farm, and therefore tagged correctly. If it was me I'd use a lightly colour for farmland so that farmyards (also tagged correctly in that area) stand out a bit more (obligatory "Blue Peter"** link http://imgur.com/L6l2g3z * to compare with http://b.tile.openstreetmap.org/12/2028/1348.png ).

You can argue whether or not populating most of England with landuse=farmland is a good use of anyone's time, but you can't argue that it's wrong :)



* and FWIW that I believe is a better trunk option ("primary" red with dark red casing) than what we have now too.

** For those unaware with the British meme - a children's television programme that used to show kids how to make things out of odds and ends, and then at the end reappear with "and here is one I made earlier!".

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