W dniu 22.08.2015 12:23, Lester Caine napisał(a):

The main problem here is that OSM is used by a large part of the UK web
services, and any change needs to be managed in such a manor that those
services are not too badly affected. We do not have a list of every site
actually using OSM over google, and the vast majority of users will not
be following this list, so some other notification process needs
adopting ... and an alternative source needs to be in place for those
users ...

If we take a look from 10,000 feet, this is just a specific manifestation of a more general problem: up to this moment OSM is developing mostly by adding elements (more users, more data, more tags, more visual features, wider ecosystem etc.) and has no procedures for dealing with more systematic changes.

It's the same when debating any tagging shift or introducing new tagging scheme - there are no established channels of communication with the whole ecosystem, nor even inside the project!

In my opinion this lack of tools for managing any bigger changes (which in turn might be also lack of leadership, I guess) is the main factor behind the project being so constricted: it travels very fast, but only in one direction, because any try of steering shows so many hidden strings attached, that it causes a lot of friction and looks like mission impossible.

"The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags down" [A. Cohen]

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