On 9/09/2015 3:36 PM, Maarten Deen wrote:
On 2015-09-09 05:18, Warin wrote:
The some of the wiki pages appear to be written for the renders, while
others look to be written for the mappers. This is confusing!
I believe there should be two versions of the wiki pages - one for
mappers who need simple descriptions of the tag/s and another for
renders that give information on rendering the tag/s. So two pages -
mappers version and renders version.

I think most "key" pages have both.
The information has been mixed up together. I would rather see it separated so that th emaper is not presented with the renders information.

As a small example;
The properties page http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Properties
this list a number of what a mapper would call an object (bridge,
tunnel, cutting)
but a render associates with another object to render it correctly and
thus calls it a property.
Thus there are two conflicting views that lead to confusion.

But all the properties on that page have their own page which gives (sometimes more, sometimes less) detailed instructions on how to use them.
It is a summary page, just like shops, highways etc have summary pages - these are mostly helpfull for new comers.

This is also not really a page that has to be viewed on its own. It is part of the bigger overview of map features on http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features I also think it needs a cleanup. For instance: frequency. Why is that under properties when it is also mentioned in railways? Is it used in other place (and powerlines)?
Frequency is also a property of power lines, communication, radio and radio telescope antennas

Do you have other examples?
I think open_hours is a mix of mappers and renders views.


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